Friday, June 15, 2007

Not much yet

But I'll do better. I'm gonna use this blogspot for the studio. So you'll be reading about whatever nonsense is going on at 411.
To catch up, The Cartridge Family is nearly finished. We have a few tweaks to the mixes and then it off to the mastering house.
Monty's record is ongoing. All of the lead vocals are complete. Backgrounds need to be done. We still have some tracking to do...looking for a pedal steel player for a couple of tracks. Guitar solos and Mozelle will be addings some keyboard parts.
Will's band Harbor View, will be back as soon as we get a little breathing room. He's about to have a breakdown so I gotta get him in soon.
Reed Mullen has been hanging around lately. He and Jonathan are working on pre-production for new COC! That's all I can say about that.
The Olympic Ass-Kickin Team are way overdue...looks like we are gonna start around August 11.
I'll have some pics up soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clyde Mattocks is your man